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Sponsor Licence Refusal Overturned with PAP: How a Care Company Succeeded with Nara Solicitor’s Assistance

Our client, a care company, recently faced a big problem that restricted its ability to hire skilled workers from abroad.
Our client applied for the sponsor licence and on April 25, 2024, the Home Office refused their application for a sponsor licence, which is essential for hiring international employees. This decision caused major issues for the company, affecting their plans and operations.
Determined to solve the problem, the client turned to us for legal assistance. Nara Solicitors carefully reviewed the refusal and submitted a Pre-Action Protocol (PAP), to the Home Office on May 16, 2024.
Today, the client received great news from the Home Office. The Home Office admitted their mistakes in the original decision and agreed to refund the application fee.
More importantly, they waived the usual six-month waiting period, allowing the care company to reapply immediately for the sponsor licence. This was a huge relief as it let the company move forward without more delays.
In their response, the Home Office said, “We reviewed your application and found mistakes. We will refund your fee and let you reapply immediately without waiting six months.” They also promised to review the new application quickly and thoroughly, with possible checks to ensure everything is correct.
This case shows how important it is to take the right steps when dealing with home office refusal issues. By using the Pre-Action Protocol, our client was able to quickly address and fix the problem.
Also Read:
Sponsorship Licence Granted for Domiciliary Care Provider
Successful Reinstatement of Sponsor Licence: A Victory for our Client
For our client, this outcome is a big win, allowing them to move forward with their growth plans and hire the talent they need.
Thanks to the expert team at Nara Solicitors, they turned a difficult situation into a success.
At Nara Solicitors, we handle sponsor licence applications, compliance audits, suspension, and revocation of sponsor licences with expertise.
Get your sponsor licence compliance done before the Home Office visits you.
Book your audit now (Email: sukhvinder@narasolicitors.com).
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