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The Migration Advisory Committee has recommended 21 jobs for an interim Immigration Salary List

For jobs on the immigration salary list, people can be sponsored for work visas at a salary lower than the £38,700 that will otherwise (except for NHS/teaching jobs) be required from 4 April

The Migration Advisory Committee has recommended 21 jobs for an interim ‘immigration salary list’, replacing the shortage occupation list.

For jobs on the immigration salary list, people can be sponsored for work visas at a salary lower than the £38,700 that will otherwise (except for NHS/teaching jobs) be required from 4 April:

# Job Title Salary (£)
1 Fishing boat masters (Scotland only) 30,960
2 Laboratory technicians 23,200
3 Pharmaceutical technicians 23,400
4 Boat and ship builders and repairers (Scotland only) 34,100
5 Stonemasons 32,400
6 Bricklayers 30,960
7 Roofers, roof tilers and slaters 30,960
8 Retrofitters 30,960
9 Racing grooms, stallion handlers, stud grooms, stud hands, stud handlers and work riders 30,960
10 Care workers and home carers 23,200
11 Senior care workers 23,200
12 Chemical scientists in the nuclear industry (Scotland only) 35,200
13 Biological scientists and biochemists 37,100
14 Archaeologists 36,400
15 Artists 32,800
16 Certain ballet and contemporary dancers 31,200
17 Certain orchestral musicians 35,300
18 Arts officers, producers and directors 37,500
19 Graphic designers 30,960
20 High integrity pipe welders with three years’ experience 31,700
21 Carpenters and joiners 30,960

The interim list will be replaced following a full review later in the year.

Source / Credit:


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